Cooper, Policy Committee to Host ‘Aging with Confidence’ Hearing
October 23, 2023
WHAT: Rep. Jill Cooper (R-Westmoreland) will host a hearing of the House Republican Policy Committee to discuss topics of guardianship; safety matters, such as avoiding fraudulent scams that target seniors; and advocating for policies that will promote their well-being, autonomy and dignity.
WHO: Cooper, Republican Policy Committee Chairman Joshua D. Kail (R-Beaver/Washington), members of the committee, and the following testifiers: Hon. Harry Smail, judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Westmoreland County; Nicole Ziccarelli, district attorney, Westmoreland County; Redstone Highlands Communities President and CEO John R. Dickson; and Dr. Pamela Toto, PhD, professor and director of the Doctor of Clinical Science in Occupational Therapy program, University of Pittsburgh.
WHEN: Wednesday, Oct. 25, at 10 a.m.
WHERE: Redstone Highlands Community Center, Murrysville Campus, 4951 Cline Hollow Road in Murrysville.
LIVE WEBSTREAMING: Barring any technical difficulties, the hearing will be streamed online at and
Media contact: Jordan Frei, 724-875-8450,
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